The vigilance personnel should possess the following qualitative characteristics in order to achieve the goal of success: –


          Passion is a creative energy which drives the human being. Having passion for a particular work entails into a fruitful accomplishment. Passion is like a spring which is welled in a person and can tackle any challenges to meet its goal. The vigilance personnel should have a passion for their duty.


          In this world of corruption, vigilance personnel don’t get information readymade on their platter. They have to take initiative to move the mountain and dig the loop-holes.


          Being curious is essential quality of vigilance investigation. A trained eye should never miss the innocent general details which eventually lead to the specific details which can throw light on corrupt practices.

Logical thinking

          Common sense is the best tool of investigation which is normally ignored in the plethora of philosophical and technical details and Standard Operating Procedure. The best way of using common sense is by logical thinking which gives exemplary results if used cautiously.


          The vigilance personnel should have self-discipline in order to achieve their Aim. In an organization where push and pull factors operate, it is imperative for the vigilance personnel to conduct himself in a balanced manner by chiseling himself with his own consciousness to press forward to reach the goal.


          Showing courage at the time where the controlling authority himself is involved in corrupt practices is the essential ingredient of the character of vigilance personnel. They should never deter from their commitment for the healthy organization.

Determination and Patience

          Sometimes to crack the case and dig into the core of it may not be so easy as one thinks. It needs a lot of determination as well as patience to bear with the non-cooperation of the staff who are involved in the corruption and sometime it leads to stalemate. In order to advance in this situation vigilance staff should have patience and determination.

Fairness & Ethics

          Vigilance personnel should never misuse his office to favour the corrupt official. They should be guided by strong sense of honesty and integrity and abide by the work ethics.

Communication & networking skill

          Vigilance personnel can never be an island. They have to develop good communication skills and able to form a good network of sources by their empathetic attitude and strong virtue of confidence.

Good Research Skill

          Vigilance officer should always update his research skill according to the technological developments and policy advancement. He should be well aware of the recent development regarding the policy of an organization and various procedures that are followed regarding procurement.

Good Reporting Skill

          All the efforts would go in vain if the report is not properly drafted. Hence a vigilance report must be well defined, well organized with details and well concluded.

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